Are There Over 300 Messianic Prophecies?  

“Are people who believe Jesus is God guilty of idol worship?”  

Ratio Christi Event: Discussion Between Rabbi and Christian about Beliefs

Does the Resurrection of Jesus mean He is the Jewish Messiah?  

The Resurrection of the Jewish Messiah

Is Yeshua the Jewish Messiah?

A Look at the Objection: “Why Jewish People Don’t Believe in Jesus!”

The Parting of the Ways: How Christianity and Judaism Became Two

Was Jesus Really a False Prophet?  

The Resurrection of Jesus and Theological Issues

Answering the Objection “If Jesus is the Jewish Messiah, where’s the peace?”

Messianic Apologetics & The Virgin Birth (Conception)

Jewish Recognition of Trinitarian Facts

Does  Jesus Meet the Messianic Requirements? A Look at a Rabbi’s Messianic Expectations: PART ONE, PART TWO, PART THREE, PART FOUR.

Why Jesus Can’t Be The Savior of the World Unless He Is the Jewish Messiah

The Trinity and the Incarnation as Jewish Doctrines.” by J. C. O’Neill.

The Concept of the Messiah in the Old Testament: Randall Price

What Do Christians Mean When They Say Jesus is ‘The Son of God?’”

Answering the Objection: “Jesus fulfilled none of the Messianic Prophecies”

Blasphemy and the Jewish Examination of Jesus: Darrell Bock

 Is the Resurrection of Jesus a Qualification for Being the Jewish Messiah?

Jewish concept of the ‘Word’ being a Divine Person

Monotheism & Christology: Sources

Does the OT predict that the Messiah would be resurrected on the third day? Three Part Answer

Answering an Objection: Jewish People Don’t Believe in a Suffering/Atoning Messiah!

Sung Jin Park: Melchizedek as a Covenantal Figure: The Biblical Theology of The Eschatological Royal Priesthood

Richard N. Longenecker: ‘Who is the Prophet Talking About?’ Some Reflections on the New Testament’s Use of the Old

A Look At Richard Bauckham’s Jesus and the God of Israel: God Crucified and Other Studies on the New Testament’s Christology of Divine Identity

Jesus as Co-Creator – Michael Heiser

A Look at Psalm 22 as  Messianic Prophecy

Did Moses Really Write About Jesus? A Look at Messianic Prophecy in the Torah

Six Messianic Expectations and One Messiah

Handling a Rabbi’s Objection About The Resurrection of Jesus

A Closer Look at Isaiah 52:13- 53: 12: Who is the Servant of the Lord?

A Closer Look at Messianic Prophecy: The Son of Man Saying of Jesus

A Look at Messianic Prophecy: A Look at the Timing of the Messiah’s Coming: Genesis 49:8-12: The Universal Rule of the Messiah

Dr. Michael Heiser: The Jewish Trinity

The Trinity in the Old Testament

Virgin Birth Prophecy Jesus and the Old Testament – Dr. Michael Heiser

Does the NT contradict the Hebrew Bible in its discussions of the ‘passing away’ of the Mosaic Law? by Glen Miller

Are Christians committing Idolatry and Violating the 2nd Commandant in the worship of Jesus? by Glenn Miller

Handling a Rabbi’s Objection: The Messianic Mission and the Inclusion of the Gentiles into God’s Redemptive Plan

The Dividing Point Between Judaism and Christianity: The Messiahship of Jesus

Is the Gospel Still “To the Jew First?”

Why Jesus is Qualified to be the “Messiah”: A Look at “The Reign of God” in the Bible

Isaiah 53: Who is the servant?

Why Would God Become a Jewish Man? A Look at the Jewish Background of the Incarnation

The Messianic Hope by Julian Kinkaid

A Look at Messianic Prophecy: Four Ways the New Testament Authors Use the Hebrew Bible

12 Primary Ways the New Testament Uses the Old Testament: Summary of G. K. Beale. Handbook on the New Testament Use of the Old Testament: Exegesis and Interpretation

Does the Old Testament Teach Two Comings of the Messiah?

Is Jesus the Messiah? Part Two: The Resurrection of The Davidic King

A Look at Messianic Prophecy: Hints and Signs of the Coming King in the Old Testament

The Divinity of Jesus in Early Judaism

Hosea’s Prophecy and The Return of the King

Three Reasons Why Jesus is Qualified to be called the “Messiah”

A Look at Messianic Prophecy: Who is the Prophet of Deuteronomy 18:15-18?”

Why Jesus is Qualified to be called the “Messiah.” A Look at the Miracles of Jesus

Why Jesus is the Jewish Messiah: A Look at the Names for the Messiah

The Crucified Jew: Why Jesus Continues to be a Stumbling Block to the Jewish People
“No, Jesus is not the Messiah!”: Answering Jewish Objections to Jesus

Answering Jewish Objections to Jesus

A Look at Jewish Messianism: A Crucified Messiah:What An Embarrassment!

Miller, Glenn: Did the Messianic Jewish Believers Use the OT Deceitfully or Ignorantly in the New Testament?

Miller, Glenn: Messianic Expectations in 1st Century Judaism: Documentation from Non-Christian Sources

What is Messianic Apologetics?

A Look at Messianic Prophecy and the Promise of The New Covenant

The Messiah in Light of Rabbinical Writings: Risto Santala


  1. mbabbitt July 12, 2014 / 5:48 am

    And then there is the work of Dr. Michael L. Brown, a leading Jewish Christian apologist, and his comprehensive 5 volume series, “Answering Jewish Objections to Jesus” and his single book, “The Real Kosher Jesus. “

  2. flyboydh1 August 10, 2016 / 3:08 pm

    If you haven’t read Rabbi Singer’s books which can be found on outreachjudaism.org, it would be great if you did. It is true, as you say, that both Hebrew Bible and NT can be false. But it cannot be true that the Hebrew Bible false and the NT true (ref article Handling a Rabbi’s Objection to the Ressurection). Why, if the NT is the divinely inspired word of God, Paul removes the last six letters of Deuteronomy 30:11-14, when he quotes it in Romans 10:6-8? (“…so that you can do it.). Would God require a man to misquote Him? Or is your argument that Paul was acting upon the Holy Spirit? If so, that is no falsifiable and therefor an inadequate argument. We are all in search for the truth, no? No matter where that leads.

    • chab123 September 24, 2018 / 8:18 pm

      Stk, I am a follower of Yeshua. Not sure if you assumed I wasn’t. Look at the blog closer and you can see that.

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